Parents and carers send their children to school each day with the expectation that school provides a safe and secure environment in which their children can flourish.
We have all statutory safeguarding policies and procedures in place to support this, with regular training and updates for all staff and governors.
The school's Designated Safeguarding Leads are:
Mrs Allyson Buckton: Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Mel Walmsley: Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Vicky Goodall: Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
The Governor responsible for Safeguarding is Mrs Jade Lamb
The STAR MAT Safeguarding Lead is Cayte Mulhern
The Safeguarding Leads are also supported by the school’s Pastoral Team, led by Mrs Maria Stubbs.
Everyone in our community has the responsibility to act on any concerns that they may have about a child’s well being and safety. We pride ourselves in the effort we make to develop a nurturing and caring ethos and relationship with our families.
We work to support families throughout any challenges they may be facing. We can do this within school with the staff who are trained in ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support) or Mental Health First Aid, or we can work with our professional colleagues who can access or signpost services in the medical, mental health or social services departments.
We are legally obliged to pass on any concerns we have about a child’s safety and wellbeing to the appropriate authority. We never do this anonymously and we never do it behind parents’ backs unless circumstances call for this. If we have a concern about your child we would normally discuss our intentions with you. If we are approached by social services or any other safeguarding body, we are obliged to work with them to support any issues they have been asked to investigate and it would be up to them as the lead professionals to inform you about their concerns.
If we ever have serious concerns that a child is being subjected to criminal behaviour, we would immediately contact the appropriate authority without delay in order to keep the child protected from any further harm.
Very often, children who are distressed or anxious about something relating to their home life do disclose information to us as they seek our help. We always tell the child to consider that we cannot keep secrets and must act on their information if we feel that they are in danger of criminal harm. The same goes for any adult disclosure if it concerns serious harm of any child.
We are here to educate, help, support, nurture and safeguard your child. If you have any more questions relating to safeguarding and child protection in our school, please contact any of the Safeguarding Leads.
We all want our children to live in a safe and loving environment so that they can grow up to become happy, confident adults. You will already know that your children can be vulnerable to risks both inside and outside the home, and will have taken steps to protect them so they can grow, learn and develop to their fullest potential. Protecting children from dangers online is also very important and you can access some information below.
Protecting your children from radicalisation and extremism is similar to protecting them from the other harms you may be more familiar with, such as drugs, gangs and sexual exploitation.
For ways to keep your child safe, including from the dangers of radicalisation, click on the link for the “educate against hate” website
Staff, visitors, volunteers and governors
Please click on the ink below to access the school online information leaflet relating to safeguarding.
The leaflet is regularly updated to take account of changes to procedures or policies. It is essential reading for all our school stakeholders. Whenever it is updated, staff and governors will be made aware.