Medicines in school
In line with the STAR MAT policy, we are only able to administer medicines in school that have been prescribed by a doctor or other medical professional. These must be in the original container and be clearly labelled with the child's full name, dose, and the dispensing pharmacy (the original label).
Medicine must be handed into the school office by an adult, where it will be kept securely, and collected by an adult at the end of the day. The medicine form (below) must also be completed by an adult and either sent in with the medicine, or completed in school as the medicine is handed in.
For emergency medication such as asthma inhalers, Epi-pens (or equivalent) and other rescue medications the arrangements are slightly different as these are kept close to hand within or very near to the child's classroom. There are separate forms around children taking their own inhalers, and we hold copies of Allergy Action Plans and other guidance from medical professionals where this is needed. For any advice please contact the school office.