We welcome enquiries from families at any time during the year, and strongly recommend that you visit us if you are considering applying for a place. Children are usually admitted at the start of full time school into Reception in the year in which they turn five. We have open afternoon sessions in the autumn term when families can come and visit before thet apply: please contact our office for the dates of these.
In addition to this, we also frequently admit children to other year groups during the school year, for example when a family moves house. If your child has already started in a school this would be an 'in year application', which also needs to be made online through the North Yorkshire Council website.
School admissions are handled by North Yorkshire Council and an application for a school place should be submitted online using the link below.
If you need any support in accessing school admissions please contact Mrs Amie Mansell at the school, who can help guide you through the process.
Admission applications for our nursery should be made directly to the school by contacting Mrs Amie Mansell.
Our school PAN (published admission number) for the following years is:
2023/24: 60
2024/25: 60
2025/26: 60
The Published Admission Number (PAN) for every year group into which pupils can be admitted, including Year 12 when there is a 6th form. The PAN is the maximum number of pupils that the admission authority will admit to each year group.
If you live in North Yorkshire, applications for main school places can be found here:
If you do not live in North Yorkshire, you must apply for our school by completing the application form for your home authority.
You can contact the Admissions Office by telephone on 01609 533679.
New Starters
Please click on the link below to fill in our new starters information forms:
Nursery Admissions
We also have Nursery provision within our Early Years area. Children can join the Nursery at the start of the term following their 3rd birthday, and funded places are available for 15-30 hours. Please contact the school office directly for more information, and to apply for a place.
Parents can provide basic details (name, date of birth and preferred hours) at any time but final allocations of hours and days will be confirmed once we have all application paperwork in the half term before your child is due to start. Mrs Mansell in the school office contacts all families who have been in touch and sends out our official forms, including the Parent Agreement Form with funding details, around the half term break. If your child is eligible for 30 funded hours we will need the current eligibilty code on the form.
Applications are reviewed in line with the priorities within Appendix 1 of the Admissions Policy, and final confirmation is given in time for families to give at least 4 weeks notice to any setting the child may already be attending.
As nursery provision is non-statutory, the school's decision to admit a child and their allocation of hours will be final. There is no formal right of appeal.
Nursery places and the funding arrangements work differently to other school places: if you would like any support or advice, please contact us and we will help. Since we have developed our Early Years area, we have overall capacity for 90 children across Nursery and Reception.
Please note that a place in our Nursery does not automatically become a place in Reception: a full time school place must still be applied for as above.