Brayton Church of England Primary School has adopted the following STAR MAT Policies and Privacy Notices which can be viewed on the STAR MAT website:
These are:
- Access to Education for Children of School Age and Young People with Medical Needs
- Accessibility
- Admissions Information
- Agile Working
- Anaphylaxis
- Anti-Fraud and Bribery
- Apprenticeships
- Attendance Management Procedure
- Business Continuity Plan
- Capability Procedure
- Catering Health and Safety and Environmental
- Charging and Remissions
- Child Protection and Safeguarding
- Competitive Tendering
- Complaints (and complaints form)
- Managing Vexatious Complaints
- Conduct of Parents and Carers
- Confidentiality
- Data Protection (suite of policies):
- App 1 - Appropriate Policy document
- App 2 - SAR Procedure
- App 3 - FOI and EIR requests
- App 4 - Surveillance Policy (inc App A - CCTV System Checklist)
- App 5 - Biometrics Policy
- Archive
- Information Security - includes Appendices:
- App 1- Data Breach Procedure
- App 2 - Remote Working Policy
- Records Management
- Special Category Data
- Designated Teacher for Looked After Children
- Developing Performance and Procedure
- Disciplinary Policy and Procedure
- Disclosure and Barring (DBS)
- Early and Flexible Retirement
- Early Careers Teachers
- Educational Visits
- Employee Expenses and Employee Expenses Claim Form
- Equalities
- E-Safety
- Family Friendly
- Finance Manual
- First Aid
- Fixed Asset, Capitalisation and Depreciation
- Flexible Working
- Gifts and Hospitality
- Health and Safety
- PEEP (H&S related)
- Security (H&S related)
- Investment
- Leave of Absence
- Leave in Term Time
- Lettings
- LGPS Employer Discretion
- Local Governing Bodies Procedures
- Lone Worker
- Low Level Concerns and Guidance
- Managing Allegations against Staff
- Newly Qualified Teacher Induction
- Pay Policy
- Probation Procedure
- Procurement
- Records Management
- Recruitment and Selection
- Remote Learning
- Reorganisation, Redundancy and Redeployment
- Resolving Issues at Work
- Restrictive Physical Intervention (Primary/Secondary)
- Risk Management
- Social Media
- Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
- Staff Code of Conduct
- Stakeholder Behaviour
- Support Staff Appraisal
- Supporting Children with Medical Needs
- Surplus / Deficit
- Suspension and Permanent Exclusion
- Teacher Appraisal
- Trustee, Member and Governor Expenses
- Trustee / Governor Code of Conduct
- Whistleblowing
Privacy Notices
- Alumni
- Child Friendly Pupil
- General
- Governors, Trustees and Volunteeers
- Pupils and Parents and Guardians
- Website
- Workforce